Allan Kardec Spiritist Group of New Zealand
To be born, to die, to be reborn again, and constantly progress, that is the law.”
Dear Friends, brothers and sisters
Welcome to our AKSGNZ monthly newsletter for April 2014
We have great news for this month. We are very happy to annouce our first international speaker for this year:
Mediumship, a bridge of light.
By Manoel Fagundes
It will be on the 16th April at our usual location and time
The lecture will be in Portuguese with English translation.
On another note, the Systematized Study of The Spiritist Doctrine module III has started for those who have completed module II. It takes place on Mondays from 19:30 to 21:00.
For those who would like to start Module I please send us an email info@allankardec.org.nz
This is s a Study group interested in improving the knowkedge and practice of Spiritism.
Metings: Every Wednesday from 19h00 to 21h00
Venue : Jubilee Building
Address : 545 Parnell Rd – Auckland – NZ
The list of Spiritits books available have also been updated.
Last, but not least we are also fully suporting the campaign to help our brother Marcelo Chivas.
For more information please click on the link:
For full details of activies and an inspirational messsage check the link below:
May Jesus’ peaceful light surround us all.
The Allan Kardec Spiritist Group of New Zealand is a charitable non-profit organization established in Auckland in New Zealand since 2005.
The aim of the Group is to promote and disseminate the Spiritist Doctrine in New Zealand