Francisco C. Xavier Biography
Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society June 2002 Great Exponents of Spiritism
(From “Eusapia, The “Witch”, L Palhano Jr, 1995, Brazilian Edition)

Francisco Candido Xavier, or Chico Xavier, as he is known in Brazil, is considered the most prolific psychographic medium of all time. He was born in Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, Brazil, on 2 April 1910. He has lived in the town of Uberaba since 1959. He only completed his primary studies and worked as a shop assistant and later as a modest civil servant. He has been retired since 1958. He had a difficult childhood and the need to work from an early age was, in his words, “an indescribable blessing.”
His first Spiritist meeting was in May 1927. Two months later he started to exercise his mediumship publicly, at the age of 17. In 1931 he saw his mentor Emmanuel for the first time. In those early days, Emmanuel asked Chico if he was really willing to work on mediumship with Jesus. He said he was, if the Good Spirits stayed with him. Emmanuel said he would not be forsaken, but added that he needed to work, study and make efforts for goodness. Chico asked Emmanuel if he thought he was up to the task. Emmanuel replied: “Certainly, provided you try and respect the three basic points in this Service” As the benefactor remained silent, the young man asked: “What is the first one?” “Discipline”, Emmanuel replied. “And the second one?” “Discipline” was the answer. “And the third one?” “Discipline”. The medium remembers another important teaching he received in those early days:
“I remember that in one of his first contacts with me, Emmanuel told me that he intended to work with me for a long time, but that I should above all, try to follow the teachings of Jesus and the lessons of Allan Kardec. He added that if one day he taught me something that was not in accordance with Jesus or Kardec, then I should stay with Jesus and Kardec, and try to forget him.”
In 1932, the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) published his first book, “Parnassus of the Beyond”. Today his published books count more than 400. Several are translated into English, Esperanto, French, Greek, Japanese, etc. Always simple and humble, he has never profited in any way from his mediumship. He has withstood criticism and mockery of all possible sorts with true Christian resignation. With the medium Waldo Vieira, he travelled to the United States and Europe, where they visited England, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, always serving the Spiritist Doctrine. From the books he has published, over 12 million copies have been sold, only of those edited by FEB, which count 88. His historical novels, “2000 Years Ago”, “50 Years Later”, “Hail, Christ” and “Paul and Stephen”, prompted the author Roberto Macedo to write the book “Historical-Geographic Vocabulary of Emmanuel’s Novels”, in which the writer explains the historical events contained in those books.
The André Luiz collection of books is at one time revealing, doctrinal and scientific. The 15 books in great part complete previous works about life after discarnation by authors such as Swedenborg, A. Jackson Davis, Reverend G Vale Owen and others. The books “Nosso Lar. A Spiritual Home” and “And Life Goes On”, already available in English, are part of that collection.
In 1997, Francisco C. Xavier completed 70 years of continuous mediumistic activity. Until that year he received more than 400 books, by hundreds of Spiritual authors, about the most diverse subjects and in various styles, including poems, chronicles, novels and short stories about general and Brazilian History, science, philosophy, religion, children’s books, etc.
He has dedicated days and nights to his brothers and sisters in humanity. Health problems in his youth and middle age, including eye problems and surgeries, have not stopped him from fulfilling his mission to assist those in need. His outlook is only one: love of his neighbors, disinterest in material gains and a constant and exclusive concern with other people’s happiness.
Chico Xavier is a gift from Above to our troubled times, enriching our values with his life of true Christian spirit.
Note: Chico Xavier passed away on 30th of June 2002.